
Test cloud with some character shape~

Testing the cloud character

this is using the maya particle to create~

this is the mesh object only put the cloud shader~

this also is the mesh object but without the cloud texture~

and the more good one is the maya fluid system but the problem is, if want doing the animation with this cloud character it are not allow to do~>.<

Another cloud tutorial ~

i like this cloud very much~ this is create by Emmanuel Mouillet

Maya Fluid Clouds HD from Emmanuel Mouillet on Vimeo.

and here is the tutorial~is using some script to make the cloud and also easily to control the cloud shape

emfxCLOUDS help tutorial from Emmanuel Mouillet on Vimeo.

you can find the script in this link


here is some test about the cloud~

this is using the maya fluid system to create~
render time 4.34

render time 1.19

render time 2.07

the real of the world cloud~

here is the two link of the beautiful cloud ~
and we not alway can see at the this angleview to see the cloud ~

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.

Experience Human Flight from Betty Wants In on Vimeo.

maya 2012 z-depth tutorial

in the maya2012 the z-depth is create by the different way already~
and this is the way by me how to create the z-depth in maya2012

Cloud tutorial

this is the cloud tutorial doing in the maya using by fluid system to create some different cloud shape~
here is the artist call and he cloud tutorial Clouds Tutorial

this is he vimeo link


Families and cross-classification into genera
简单来说,云主要有三种形态一大团的积云 (Cumulus)、 一大片的层云 (Stratus)和纤维状的卷云(Cirrus)
而科学上云的分类最早是由法国博物学家让-巴普蒂斯特·拉马克(Jean Lamarck)于1801年提出的。1929年,国际气象组织以英国科学家卢克·霍华德(Luke Howard)于1803年制定的分类法为基础,按云的形状、组成、形成原因等把云分为十大云属而这十大云属则可按其云底高度把它们划入三个云族:高云族、中云族、低云族另一种分法则将积雨云从低云族中分出,称为直展云族这里使用的云底高度仅适用于中纬度地区

高云族 High (Family A)
卷云Cirrus, 简称 Ci在高空形成,有丝缕结构,柔丝般光泽,色白无暗影,多分离散乱云体常呈丝条状、马尾状、钩状、片状、砧状等卷云主要又可再分为四种云状
1.毛卷云(Ci fil,Cirrus filosus):纤细分散,丝缕结构明显,多呈丝条、羽毛、或马尾状
2.密卷云(Ci dens,Cirrus densus):云丝密集、聚合成片,中部有时会有暗影,边缘部分其卷云特征明显
3.伪卷云(Ci not,Cirrus nothus):由鬃积雨云顶脱离母体而成云体大且浓密,有时呈砧状
钩卷云(Ci unc,Cirrus uncinus):云丝平行列,顶端有小钩,或小簇,形似逗号

卷积云(Cirrocumulus, 简称 Cc)似鳞片或球状细小云块组成的云层或云片,多成群、成行出现, 排列规则色白无暗影,有柔丝般光泽卷积云只有一类云状


卷层云Cirrostratus, 简称 Cs )白色透明均匀的云雾,地物有影,日月轮廓分明,常伴有日晕



高层云 Altostratus, 简称 As 於2000米以上高空形成,像一种带有条纹的幕,颜色多为灰白色或灰色,有时有一点微蓝色,有时较为均匀,但云底没有明显的起伏。高层云的明暗程度會因云的厚度差異而不同

中云族Middle (Family B)
高积云 Altocumulus, 简称 Ac 的云块较高層雲小,但可清晰分辨轮廓,有时出现在两个或以上的高度,高积云较薄时呈白色,在较厚时呈暗灰色高积云云状可以是扁圆形、瓦片状等,且以波浪形排列